Encouraging Life Quotes and Statuses My Top Ten Life Quotes, Sayings and Statuses Life is like the ocean. It can be calm and still or rough and rigid but in the end, it is always beautiful. Life does not have a remote. Get up and change it yourself. Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced. Life is like a camera lens. Focus only on what’s important and you will capture it perfectly. life is a collection of mistakes. You will never learn if you don’t make them. Life gives answer in 3 ways. It says yes and gives you what you want, it says no and gives you something better, it says wait and gives you the best! Life is like a race between cat and rat. But rat mostly wins because cat runs for food and rat runs for life. Life isn’t hard. People with their needless complications and unnecessary lies make it that way. Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
President Rodrigo Duterte Quotes
President Rodrigo Duterte Quotes “The trouble with us in government is that we talk too much, act too slow, and do too little, don’t we? What the country need is not more laws but more good men in public service.” “We would like our workers to be productive, but how could they be productive when they come to work late and tired because of jostling to get a ride.” “I don’t care if I burn in hell for as long as the people I serve live in paradise” “I don’t have the brilliance of Marcos, the smartness of Ramos, or the eloquence of Miriam. All that I can offer the Filipino people is a good heart and common sense. Governance after all is just pure common sense.” “I could make this sacrifice,if only to save this country from being fractured” “A leader must be a terror to the few who are evil, in order to protect the lives and well-being of the many who are good” “Just like Marlon Brando, I did it because it was my job. I did it not for my own glory, but because that was what the people expected me to do.” Thank you for visiting..!
Six Tips On How to Build Sexual Tension
Six Tips on How to Build Sexual Tension Sexual tension can be exciting and sexy, and oh-so-much-fun as long as you know the rules. Find out how to build sexual tension with someone you like using these tips. Sexual tension is a sexy thing. It can make you feel good about yourself, can make life so much more exciting and can give you something to look forward to everyday. Have you ever experienced sexual tension with a colleague at work? Then you’d know just how exciting it feels to drive to work every morning. No Monday blues, no sick leaves, nothing. You’re just excited to see this person and enjoy the sexual tension. 1.Sneaky eye contact. Make eye contact often. But don’t be obvious about it. Look at this friend you like, but just as she looks back at you, look away. When you’re trying to build sexual tension, it’s all about being discreet. Even if you get caught looking, just smile at this girl and look away in a second. When you make someone wonder if you were actually looking at them, you’re making them think of you and wonder if you’ve got more than friends on your mind. 2.Talk naughty. Talk naughty, but don’t get dirty. Whenever the opportunity arises, talk about something funny and yet sexy. If you can see a bit of her cleavage, look straight at it and look away in an obvious manner. She may immediately cover it up, but she’d know you noticed it. You can talk naughty or just use your gestures, as long as you get naughty with her. 3.Show yourself off. Look for ways to show off your sexy assets, be it your charm or your physique. Now this will work only if she’s already sexually attracted to you, so make sure you’ve warmed her up first with the earlier moves. 4.Intense goodbyes. Whenever you’re about to say goodbye, make her feel like you don’t want to say goodbye at all. Don’t do this when there are others around though. Sexual tension should always be a well-kept secret. Every time you have to say goodbye to her, hug her but linger just a second more than normal. Delay the goodbye with some idle talk or just stare deeply into her eyes like you want to say something, but are holding the thought back. It’ll take the sexual tension to an all new high. 5.Overdo the gestures. Hold her hands when you have the opportunity, but almost clasp it by slightly interlacing your fingers with hers. Kiss her on her cheeks while saying goodbye, but almost kiss her lips. Place your hand on the back while crossing the street, but get it almost near her butt. Whisper in her ears when you have to say something quietly, but let your lips graze her ears. You get what I mean, don’t you? Use regular gestures and turn them into super sexy sexual tension builders. 6.Act on it, but don’t overdo it. How far are you willing to take it? Now that you’ve built the sexual tension up, it has to go somewhere. Do you like this girl, or are you just terribly sexually attracted to her? If you’re going to constantly rouse the sexual tension between you and a friend, the bubble has to burst at some point. So what are you going to do, make out or get out?
Seven(7) Signs That a Girl Likes You
Sven(7) Signs That a Girl Likes You 1. She Plays with Her Hair While it may sound strange to men, ladies use their hair to say a lot of things. Unfortunately, it’s simply not a language we speak. A girl who is interested in you will often touch her hair (either to correct it or to play with it) while near you. This is a subconscious thing women do when attracted to a man, wanting to be perfect by correcting a flyaway or replacing a fallen curl! 2. She Wants to Be in Your Presence Regularly Every time she walks into a room full of people, her eyes seek you out first. Pay attention as this may even be a quick, simple thing such as this: “She walks in, views you, gives you a quick smile and then turns to find her friends.” Still, you were first, and that means a lot! Want to know why? Because it says that she was thinking of you before she even walked into that room! 3. She Discusses You with Her Friends A girl who feels attraction to a boy will want to talk about him to all of her friends. What do they think? Do they think he is interested in her? Wouldn’t they make such a cute couple? What do you think his favorite color is? If you want to know how to tell if a girl likes you, this is one of those VITAL signs you should look for. While this may sound like strange jibber-jabber to men, it’s a huge compliment. Every girl wants affirmation on her attraction (especially if you haven’t made any romantic moves yet) from the people who are closest to her! 4. Notice the little things she does for you. If she’s always there for you when you need help, even like when you mention that you’re really thirsty and she quickly offers you a sip from her drink, she might like you. But don’t assume that she’s into you only from one experience. Ask her occasionally for small things, like chewing gum or a pen, and notice how she reacts. If she’s always ready to offer you something you might need, go further and ask her to help you with something else, like a school, college or work problem. It shouldn’t be something really easy to solve, but not too difficult either, as some girls might say that they don’t know how to help you with a more challenging problem. If she’s eager to help you, she probably likes you, although if you use this approach too much or choose tasks that seem too difficult, she may think you’re lazy, testing her or even a bit of a nuisance. Don’t overdo it; you don’t want to risk her ceasing to like you. 5. Watch her body language. You can learn a lot about a girl by observing her body language and it goes well beyond obvious flirting signs into unconscious signals of attraction. There are a lot of signs that will tell you she’s interested. For example, if a girl has her torso turned towards you in an open manner, this means that she is confident talking with you. If she has a closed body position, namely crossed arms or legs, she may be shy or nervous to talk to you or she may simply be creating a barrier to ward you off. Invest in a decent book on body language to help you learn how to accurately read her. 6. Look at her friends. If you see most of her friends glancing back at you and smiling or giggling, this probably means that she has told her friends about you and they’re “in the know”. This can happen at any age, although mature girls and women friends tend to behave in a slightly more circumspect way, using glances and knowing smiles or nods instead of giggles. In some cases, a friend may actually be bold enough to come and tell you that her friend likes you. 7.Smile at her. Girls tend to like guys who smile, and are happy. Use your natural smile; you don’t want to freak her out. If she smiles back politely, or frowns and looks away, she may be uncomfortable or disinterested. If she returns a soft or big smile and continues to look at you, then it’s likely that she’s interested. However she reacts, it cannot hurt to keep smiling her way. Eventually she’ll get the message that you find her charming and she may feel able to open up more or at least to tell you openly that she’s either interested or not. If she smiles then darts over to the crowd of her friends and hides in the group, then she may be nervous and curious about whether you know that she likes you.
Hugot and Patama Quotes
1.Lahat tayo ay binigyan ng pakakataon maging TANGA pero hindi porket libre ay AARAW-ARAWIN MO NA 2.Just like the alphabet, I COME BEROFE U 3.para kang dessert ang sweet mo sakin, ang sweet mo sa kanya, ang sweet mo sa lahat. Anong flavor ka? “Crema de PUTA” 4.Its better to be MAARTE than be MALANDI. Kasi ang maarte being mapili while ang malandi walang pinili 5.Dapat bang akong ngumiti dahil magkaibigan tayo? O dapat ba akong malungkot dahil hanggan dun lang tayo? 6.UMARTE ng naayon sa GANDA 7.Yung eksena na ang bilis ng panahon! kanina mahal ka pa nya, maya maya may kalandian nang iba 8.Ang luha parang pawis, di man parehong galing sa mata. Pero parehong tumutulo pag pagod ka na 9.Babae yan hindi barbie na pwede mong paglaruan. Huwag kang bading. 10.Wala kayong pakialam kung gusto ko siya Siya nga wala e, kayo pa kaya Thanks for visiting Tagalog Pick Up Lines!