When I tell you that your words hurt and you assume that I must be sensitive to feel so, believe me when I say that it wasn’t like that. If I keep something from you and you assume that I must not trust you, believe me when I say that it wasn’t like that. When you see me shrinking away from everyone including you and you assume that I must find you repulsive, believe me when I say that it wasn’t like that. No. It wasn’t like that. Far from it, as a matter of fact.

Believe me when I say that it was not about you. It was about me and everything that happened in the past that made me as distrustful as I am right now. It was about how I was turned down loads of times in the past that made me conscious of opening up to anyone.

It was not that I do not believe in your ability to meet my standards that I refuse to ask for help even in my direst need. It was about how I was made independent, left to look after myself that made me realize that I can do it on my own, that nobody is in charge of me except for myself.  

If you tell me something and I fail to pay attention, believe me when I say that it was not that I am disinterested rather that I focus on myself to make up for the times that I had to beg for someone else’s attention. So no, it wasn’t like that.