Love is both lovely and horrible.

I can’t seem to untangle this problem.

It has a firm grasp on my heart.

It’s difficult to look at such powerful love.


It feels like a thorn in my heart.

deeply piercing, tearing me apart,

Every beat is sharp as a knife.

cutting deep and bringing me pain.


I long to wrap my arms around you,

To experience your affection and your charms,

But every time I attempt, I fail.

The pain intensifies and begins to flow.


It’s a love that wasn’t meant to be.

A love that is in pain, just like me,

I wish I could go back in time.

And begin over, with a fine love.


But, unfortunately, it is not to be.

And I’m left with this misery, this pain.

I’ll continue to love in my own unique manner.

every day, even if it hurts.