"Forgiveness. What better way to release resentment, anger, and bitterness? It all sounds so easy until you actually have to forgive someone who did you wrong."
"Forgiveness. What better way to release resentment, anger, and bitterness? It all sounds so easy until you actually have to forgive someone who did you wrong."
"There is so much to be grateful for, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant they may be."
Hindi ako masaya hindi rin naman malungkot, but just I feel empty o siguro pa ulit-ulit ko lang sinasabi sa sarili ko na hindi ako malungkot because I feel like there isn’t a…
"Embracing change means learning all over again. But it was all there is to do. Embrace change."
"What was scarier than being criticized by other people was being criticized by your own self. That hurts more because it means acknowledging that you indeed messed up."
But there are people who cannot let go of their pasts. Some still beat themselves over their past mistakes. Some still resents themselves for doing what they had to do in order to…
Your worth is not contingent upon external achievements, possessions, or societal expectations. You can stop this endless pursuit of validation.
"I know you tell yourself things that you would not dare say to anyone for fear of hurting them. So why do you keep doing it?"
“I often told them that they can thrive at their own pace and that it was okay not to be in sync with everyone else. It was true but what makes it funny…
"Some people like to process their thoughts on their own and not share them to anyone. And that’s okay. Those people do not shame you for being loud so why shame them for…
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